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100 roses from concrete project Finalist 

Dentsu D&I event presentation

MAIP 2020 

why i love this project: 

For years, BIPOCs are held to a higher stander when it comes to looking 'professional' at the workplace. So we decided to go straight to the source, to the people who define what "professional" looks like, and held them accountable instead. We are Unmarrying the idea of professionalism with whiteness by showing up as our whole self.

What do you mean when you say "Professionalism is centered around whiteness"?


well roger let's hear stats...

45% of microaggressions are centered around unprofessionalism

Black women are 1.5x more likely to be sent home from the workplace because of their hair and 80% more likely to change it to fit social norms or expectations at work.

10% believe they have personally committed a microaggression, while 60% believe they have experienced or witnessed a microaggression. 

Yet, there are only 16% multicultural execs in the C-suite position. 

Scroll down to read how we can change our workplace or click here.

our audience?

C-suit & Human Resources

Young Professionals

Representation Testimonies

The 5 main categories of microaggressions that adversely affect BIPOC in the workplace.

on hair: 

"Professionalism is exceeding expectations, rocking new business pitches, and crushing deadlines. While I am wearing my hijab. I don't just show us to work. I show up as my whole self. Because my hair is a part of who I am.

I am #___"

on name: 

"Professionalism is being confident, certain, and sincere. So when you mispronounce my name because it’s ‘too difficult’, I’ll correct you. I won’t shrink myself to fit in your box. I don’t just show up to work. I show up as my whole self. Because my name, my culture, is part of who I am. I am #___."

on attire: 

“Professional is looking the part. Put-together, well-kept, and presentable. So when you tell me my Dashiki is unprofessional, you downplay my heritage, my history, my identity. I show up as my whole self. Because my cultural attire is part of who I am. I am #___..”

on language: 

"Professionalism is being fluent. Knowing the lingo, being well-spoken. So when you tell me the way I talk is ghetto, you threaten the very diversity you claim to fight for. I am the culture you exploit, and my background makes me… me. Because my lingo is part of who I am. I am  #___"

on food: 

"Professional is being prepared. Well-fed, energized, ready to work. So when you tell me my food smells ethnic, you belittle me and dismiss my culture. I don’t just show up to work, I show up as my whole self. Because my cultural cuisine is part of who I am. I am #___."

Ending message:

To see genuine, formidable change, we must bring it to the top professionals. We have shared our social campaign that will spark the conversation between C-Suite, HR, and Young professionals about how employees of color are susceptible to biased ideas of professionalism that are centered around whiteness. But we’d like to take this opportunity now to look within ourselves. It’s important to address that biases aren’t something that only white people have, but rather something we all unconsciously hold out of the result of being human. Everyone receives an endless stream of stimuli and factors based on cultural influences that shape the lens through which we see the world and people. The unconscious biases we hold, have the power to create systems and norms that prevent people from being hired, promoted, feeling included, and experience true equity at work.

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